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Kings of Thrace. Amatokos, first reign (389-380 BC) Æ19
Kings of Thrace. Amatocus or Amadokos II (359-351 BC) Æ20 / Grapes & Double Axe
Kings of Thrace. Odrysian (Astaian). Sadalas II (49-42 BC) Æ16 / Eagle
Kings of Thrace (Odrysian). Seuthes III (330-295 BC). Seuthopolis Æ13 / Star & Thunderbolt
Kings of Thrace (Odrysian). Seuthes III (330-295 BC). Seuthopolis Æ13 / Star & Thunderbolt
Kings of Thrace (Odrysian). Seuthes III (330-295 BC). Seuthopolis Æ13 / Star & Thunderbolt
Kings of Thrace. Adaios (253-243 BC) Æ18 / Club
Kings of Thrace. Kavaros (230-218 BC) Æ20 / Nike
Thrace. Odrysae Æ18 / Bull
Kings of Thrace. Mostis (139-100 BC) Æ23 / Eagle
Thraco-Macedonian Tribes. Odrysai Æ16 / Bull
Thraco-Macedonian AR Trihemitartemorion / Grapes
Thraco-Macedonian Region. Uncertain AR Hemiobol / Gorgon & Kantharos
Thraco-Macedonian Region. Uncertain AR Hemiobol / Calf & Grapes
Thraco-Macedonian, Uncertain AR Diobol / Goat
Thraco-Macedonian Region. Uncertain AR Hemiobol / Ram & Kantharos
Thraco-Macedonian Region. Uncertain AR Hemiobol / Gorgon & Helmet
Thraco-Macedonia. Uncertain mint AR Hemiobol / Ram & Kantharos
Thraco-Macedonian. Uncertain AR Tetartemorion / Lion
Thraco-Macedonia. Uncertain mint AR Hemiobol
Thrace. Byzantion AR Siglos / Cow
Thrace. Byzantium AR Hemidrachm / Trident
Thrace. Byzantium AR Hemidrachm / Trident
Thrace. Byzantion AR Hemidrachm / Bull
Thrace. Byzantion AR Siglos / Cow
Thrace. Byzantion Æ14 / Dolphins
Thrace. Cardia Æ19 / Lion
Thrace. Kardia Æ21 / Lion
Thrace. Kardia Æ19 / Lion
Thrace. Chersonese. Aegospotami Æ15 / Goat
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Imitative Hemidrachm
Thrace. Chersonesos. Imitative AR Hemidrachm / Grape Bunch
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Pentagram
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Helmet
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Ivy Leaf
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Palm Branch
Thrace. Cherronesos AR Hemidrachm / Lizard
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Caduceus
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Fish
Thracian Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm
Thracian Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Amphora
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Bee
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Grapes
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Ivy Leaf
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Ivy Leaf
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Ivy Leaf
Thrace. Cherronesos AR Hemidrachm / Pentagram
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Kantharos
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm
Thrace. Cherronesos AR Hemidrachm / Grapes
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm / Ram's Head
Thrace. Chersonesos AR Hemidrachm
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos. Pseudo-autonomous Æ20 / Artemis
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos Æ11 / Star
Thrace. Cherronesos Æ11 / Lion
Thrace. Chersonese Æ12 / Barleycorn
Thrace. Cherronesos AR Hemidrachm / Ladle
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos Æ20 / Artemis Spearing Stag / Bull
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos. Imitative Æ18 / Artemis Spearing Stag
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos. Imitative Æ18 / Artemis Spearing Stag
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos Imitative Æ20 / Artemis Spearing Stag / Bull
Tauric Chersonesos. Chersonesos Æ20 / Countermark
Tauric Chersonese. Chersonesos Æ14 / Ethnic in Wreath
Thrace. Ketriporis Æ13 / Kantharos
Thrace. Mesembria Æ19 / Athena
Moesia. Istros AR Diobol or 1/4 Drachm / Inverted Heads
Black Sea area. Istros. Cast Æ Proto-Money / Arrowhead
Black Sea area. Istros. Cast Æ Proto-Money / Leaf
Black Sea area. Istros. Cast Æ Proto-Money / Leaf
Moesia Inferior. Istros Cast Æ12 / Wheel
Moesia Inferior. Istros Cast Æ13 / Wheel
Moesia Inferior. Istros Æ10 / Wheel
Thrace. Kallatis AR Octobol / Herakles
Thrace. Lysimacheia Æ18 / Lion
Thrace. Lysimacheia Æ23 / Artemis
Thrace. Lysimachea Æ23 / Artemis
Thrace. Lysimacheia Æ10 / Ethnic in Wreath
Thrace. Maroneia Æ24 / Asklepios
Thrace. Maroneia Æ13 / Horse
Thrace. Maroneia Æ26 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ25 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ17 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ18 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ20 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ17 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ16 / Dionysos
Thrace. Maroneia Æ16 / Horse
Thrace. Maroneia Æ15 / Horse
Thrace. Maroneia Æ16 / Horse
Thrace. Mesembria AR Diobol
Thrace. Mesembria Æ19 / Helmet & Shield
Thrace. Mesembria Æ20 / Shield
Thrace. Mesembria Æ21 / Shield
Thrace. Mesembria Æ21 / Shield
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