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Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. UNKNOWN Æ13 / Wolves and Zombies
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Aedui Tribe AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Aedui Tribe AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Aedui Tribe AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Aedui Tribe AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Aedui Tribe AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Aedui or Lingones Tribe Kaletedou type AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Bituriges Cubi Potin
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Carnutes Tribe Æ14 / Eagle
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Carnutes Tribe Æ15 / Eagle
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Channel Isles. Coriosolite Billon Stater / Horse
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Durocasses Tribe Potin
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Durocasses Tribe Potin
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Leuci Tribe Potin / Bald Head
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Leuci Tribe Potin / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Leuci Tribe Potin / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Leuci Tribe Potin / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Leuci Tribe Potin / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Remi Tribe Potin / Bear
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Senones Tribe Potin / Horse
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Senones Tribe Potin / Horse
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Boar
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Horse
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Horse
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius / Horse
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Sequani Tribe AR Quinarius
Ancient France. Celtic Gaul. Turones Tribe Potin / Bull
Celts of Iron Age Britain. Iceni. Aesu (AD 30-43) AR Unit
Celtic Britain. North Thames Region. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. Cunobelin AR unit
Celtic Tribes. Lower Danube Region. Philip III Arrhidaios of Macedon Imitative AR Tetradrachm
Danubian Celts. Imitative. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC) AR Drachm
Celts of Eastern Europe. Carpathian region (northern Hungary). Audoleon type. Triskeles variety. Imitating Kings of Macedon. Philip II (359-336 BC) AR Tetradrachm
Celtic Tribes. Eastern Europe. Dachreiter Type. Imitative of Philip II (359-336 BC) of Macedon AR Drachm
Celtic Tribes of Eastern Celtic Europe. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). Imitative Billon Drachm
Celtic Tribes of Eastern Europe. Imitating Thrace, Odessos Æ20 / Horse and Rider
Celtic Tribes. Eastern Celts. Kugelwange Type Æ Hemidrachm
Celtic Tribes of Eastern Europe. Kugelwange Type Æ Tetradrachm / Horse
Eastern Celts. Kugelwange Type Æ Tetradrachm / Horse
Eastern Celts. Kugelwange Type Æ Tetradrachm / Horse
Thrace. Maroneia. Imitative Æ9 / Horse
Theodosius I (AD 379-395). Imitative Æ Nummus / Theodosius on Horseback
Carausius (AD 286-293) Imitative Æ Antoninianus
Theodora (AD 337-340). Imitative Æ4 / Fallen Horseman
Late Roman. Imitative Æ4 / Victory
Tetricus I-II (AD 271-274). Imitative Æ12 / Altar
Pontos. Amisos. Time of Mithradates VI Eupator (121-63 BC). Celtic Imitative Æ20 / Sword in Sheath
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337). Constantinopolis Commemorative Imitative Æ Nummus / Victory
Magnentius (AD 350-353). Imitative Æ Centenionalis / Victories
Kings of Macedon. Philip III Arrhidaios. Celtic Imitative AR Drachm
Commagene. Uncertain. Imitating Seleukid Kings. Demetrios I Soter (162-150 BC) AR Drachm
Commagene. Uncertain. Imitating Seleukid Kings. Demetrios I Soter (162-150 BC) AR Drachm
Danubian Celts. Imitative of Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC) AR Drachm
Kings of Macedon. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). Danube Celtic Imitative AR Drachm
Augustus (27 BC-AD 14). L. Naevius Surdinus, moneyer Æ Imitative Dupondius
Tetricus II (AD 273-274) Imitative Æ Antoninianus / Spes
Tetricus II, as Caesar (AD 271-274). Imitative Æ4 / Hilaritas
Constantius II Imitative Æ Follis / Fallen Horseman
Decentius, Caesar (AD 350-353). Imitative Æ3 / Victories
Theodosius I (AD 379-395) Imitative Æ Centenionalis
Constantius II (AD 337-361) Æ Imitative Centenionalis / Fallen Horseman
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337). Imitative Æ3
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337) Imitative Æ3 / Two Victories
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337). Imitative Æ3 / Victories
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337) Imitative Æ3 / Two Victories
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337) Imitative Æ3 / Two Victories at Altar
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337) Imitative Æ3 / Two Victories at Altar
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337). Constantinople Commemorative. Imitative Æ Nummus / Soldiers and Standard
Magnentius (AD 306-312). Imitative Æ3 / Victories
Claudius II Gothicus (AD 268-270) Imitative Æ Nummus / Salus
Tetricus II, as Augustus (AD 274) Æ Imitative Antoninianus
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337). Imitative Æ Follis / Victories
Constantius II (AD 324-361). Imitative Æ Follis / Fallen Horseman
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