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Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Votive Wreath
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Votive Wreath
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Jupiter
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Votive Wreath
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Camp Gate
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Camp Gate
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Votive Wreath
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Victories
Crispus, Caesar (AD 317-326) Æ3 / Votive Wreath
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337) Constantinople Commemorative Æ3 / Victory on Prow
Constantine I the Great (AD 310-337). Constantinople Commemorative Æ / Wolf and Twins
Arcadius (AD 383-408) Æ4 / Victory
Leo I (AD 457-474) Æ Nummis / Monogram
Valentinian II (AD 375-392) Æ4 / Votive
Theodosius II (AD 408-450) Æ4 / Cross Potent
Theodosius I (AD 379-395) Æ4 / Victory
Divo Maximian (died AD 310) Æ 1/4 Follis / Emperor on Curule
Marcian (AD 450-457) Æ4 / Monogram
Theodosius II (AD 408-450) Æ4 / Cross
Maximinus II (AD 310-313). Anonymous Æ15 / Jupiter & Victory
Constans (AD 337-350) Æ4 / Securitas
Constans (AD 337-350) Æ4 / Votive
Constans (AD 337-350) Æ3 / Phoenix
Theodosius I (AD 379-395) Æ4 / Victory
Gratian (AD 375-383) Æ3 / Roma
Constantius II (AD 337-361) Æ Centenionalis / Fallen Horseman
Maximinus II Daia, as Caesar (AD 305-309) Æ Follis / Genius
Constantine II, as Caesar (AD 316-337) Æ3 / Votive
Constans, as Caesar Æ4 / Soldiers and Standard
Valentinian II (AD 375-392) Æ2 / Valentinian with Captive
Arcadius (AD 383-408) Æ4 / Victory and Captive
Valentinian II (AD 375-392) Æ4 / Victory and Captive
Valentinian II (AD 379-392) Æ4 / Victory and Captive
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337). Imitative Æ3 / VLLP
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337). Constantinople Commemorative Series. Imitative Æ4 / Victory
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337). Imitative Æ3 / VLLP
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337). Imitative Æ3 / VLLP
Constantine I the Great (AD 306-337). Imitative Æ4 / VLLP
Barbarous Radiate - Tetricus I (AD 271-274) Æ3 / Victory
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