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 Salonina (AD 254-268) Silvered Æ Antoninianus / AVG IN PACE $55.00 

Attribution: RIC Vi 58 Mediolanum
Date: AD 255-256
Obverse: CORN SALONINA AVG, diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind
Reverse: AVG IN PACE, Salonina seated left holding olive branch and transverse scepter, MS in exergue
Size: 20.83mm
Weight: 2.49 grams
Rarity: 5
Description: VF. AVG IN PACE or AUGUSTA IN PEACE is considered by many to be the first overtly Christian legend. In 261 the emperor Gallienus restored the rights of Christians and ended the persecution started by Trajan Decius in AD 250. His wife Salonina was reputed to be a Christian herself and the end of the persecution would have put her at peace. This legend was not used by any other emperor or empress.

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