Home » Lot Info: 118 BC - Roman Republic. L. Cosconius, L. Licinius and Cn. Domitius AR Serrate Denarius / Celtic Warrior You have 0 items in your shopping cart. |Contact Us
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 118 BC - Roman Republic. L. Cosconius, L. Licinius and Cn. Domitius AR Serrate Denarius / Celtic Warrior $145.00 

Attribution: Crawford 282/2; Cosconia 1; Sydenham 521 Narbo mint
Date: 118 BC
Obverse: L•COSCO•M•F, helmeted head of Roma right, X behind
Reverse: Celtic warrior (Bituitus?) on Celtic cart pulled by two horses, galloping right, holding shield, carnyx (Celtic war trumpet) and reins, preparing to hurl spear, L•LIC•CN•DOM in exergue
Size: 19.90mm
Weight: 3.64 grams
Rarity: 5
Description: good Fine+. The Celtic cart was a fast, horse drawn fighting platform that allowed an experienced warrior the ability to kill large numbers of enemy calvary or ground troops.

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