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Boeotia (3)
Illyria (18)
Thessaly (210)
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Euboia (45)
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Peloponnesos (83)
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Boeotia. Thebes AR Stater
Boeotia. Thebes. Federal coinage AR Drachm / Nike
Boeotia. Thebes. Federal coinage AR Drachm / Nike
Illyria. Apollonia. Agias and Epikades, magistrates AR Drachm
Illyria. Apollonia. Andriskosa and Nikandros, magistrates AR Drachm
Illyria. Apollonia. Ariston as moneyer. Aineas as magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Xenon, moneyer and Philadamus, magistrate AR Drachm / Hound
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Meniskos and Lykiskos, magistrates AR Drachm / Cow and Calf
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Xenon, moneyer and Phillia, magistrate AR Drachm / Grain
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Meniskos, moneyer and Lykiskos, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Xenon, moneyer and Pyrba--, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Antimachos, moneyer and Amyntas, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Philon, moneyer and Meniskos, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Sostrion, moneyer, Kleitorios, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Xenon, moneyer and Pyrba, magistrate AR Drachm / Eagle
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Meniskos, moneyer and Dionysios, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Meniskos, moneyer and Kallonos, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Ariston, moneyer and Damenos, magistrate AR Drachm / Cow Suckling Calf
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Philon, moneyer and Meniskos, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Meniskos, moneyer and Philotas, magistrate AR Drachm
Illyria. Dyrrhachion. Zenon, moneyer and Philia, magistrate AR Drachm / Cow Suckling Calf
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Ptolemy and Aristokles, magistrates AR Double Victoriatus / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Philo-, magistrate AR Drachm / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ17 / Artemis
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Python, magistrate Æ18 / Demeter
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Python, magistrate Æ19 / Demeter
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Gennippos, magistrate Æ20 / Caps of the Dioscuri
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Gennippos, magistrate Æ20 / Caps of the Dioscuri
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Philok-- and Asor--, magistrates Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ17 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Philok-- and Asor--, magistrates Æ20 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Kra--, magistrate Æ16 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Gennippos, magistrate Æ21 / Caps of the Dioscuri
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Tima–, magistrate Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Python, magistrate Æ19 / Tripod
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Phere--, magistrate Æ15 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Ippolochos, magistrate Æ13 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Python, magistrate Æ20 / Tripod
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Isagoras, magistrate Æ21 / Wing
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Kyllos, magistrate Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Philok-- and Asor--, magistrates Æ20 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Phere... and Isag..., magistrates Æ14
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Philok- and Asor-, magistrates Æ Trichalkon / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ20 / Dart Sling
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Alexandros, magistrate Æ21 / Athena, Sling Dart
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Hippolochos, magistrate Æ21 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Hippolochos and Ari-, magistrates Æ21 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Tima-, magistrate Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Tima-, magistrate Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Polyxenos, magistrate Æ20 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ20 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Philokrates, magistrate Æ21 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Magistrate, Thera Æ20 / Athena with Owl
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Hippolochos and Ari-, magistrates Æ21 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ16 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Tima-, magistrate Æ18 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ17 / Athena
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Isagoras, magistrate Æ17 / Horse and Rider
Thessaly. Thessalian League Æ17 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Eubiotos and Philoxenos, magistrates Æ17 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Hippaitas, magistrate Æ16 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Pherekrates and Isokrates, magistrates Æ18 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Nyssandros, magistrate Æ18 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Ippaitas, magistrate Æ16 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League, Philokrates, magistrate Æ17 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Pherekrates and Isagoras, magistrates Æ17 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Ippaita, magistrate Æ15 / Horse
Thessaly. Thessalian League. Hippaitas, magistrate Æ17 / Horse
Thessaly. Koinon. Megalokles, strategos Æ16 / Zeus & Apollo
Thessaly. Koinon. Sosandros, strategos Æ16 / Horse
Thessaly. Koinon. Sosandros, strategos Æ18 / Horse
Thessaly. Atrax Æ Dichalkon / Horse
Thessaly. Atrax Æ17 / Bull
Thessaly. Atrax Æ Chalkous / Horse
Thessaly. Atrax Æ Dichalkon / Horse
Thessaly. Atrax Æ Chalkous / Horseman & Bull
Thessaly. Ekkarra Æ12 / Artemis
Thessaly. Ekkarra Æ14 / Artemis
Thessaly. Ekkarra Æ14 / Artemis
Thessaly. Gomphoi-Philippopolis Æ Trichalkon / Zeus Palamnaios
Thessaly. Gomphi-Philippopolis Æ Trichalkon / Eagle Counterstamp
Thessaly. Gyrton Æ20 / Horse
Thessaly. Gyrton Æ18 / Horse
Thessaly. Gyrton Æ18 / Horse
Thessaly. Gyrton Æ18 / Nymph
Thessaly. Homolion Æ17 / Snake
Thessaly. Keirion Æ13 / Arne
Thessaly. Keirion Æ13 / Arne
Thessaly. Kierion Æ14 / Arne
Thessaly. Kierion Æ16 / Arne
Thessaly. Kierion Æ15 / Arne
Thessaly. Kierion Æ Trichalkon / Arne
Thessaly. Kierion Æ19 / Horse
Thessaly. Krannon Æ15 / Bull
Thessaly. Krannon Æ14 / Bull
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