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India. Kushan. Yueh Chi. Northern Bactria. Sapadbizes (1st century BC) AR Hemidrachm / Lion
India. Kushan. Yueh Chi. Northern Bactria. Arsiles (1st century BC) AR Hemidrachm / Lion
Kushan Empire. Kujula Kadphises (AD 50-90). Heraus type AR Obol
Kushan Empire. Kujula Kadphises (AD 50-90). Heraus type AR Obol
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Megas (AD 80-90) Æ Tetradrachm / King on Horseback
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Megas (AD 80-90) Æ Tetradrachm / King on Horseback
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Megas (AD 80-90) Æ Tetradrachm / King on Horseback
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Megas (AD 80-90) Æ Tetradrachm / King on Horseback
India. Kushan Empire. Vima Takto - Soter Megas (AD 80-100) Æ Tetradrachm
India. Kushan Empire. Vima Takto - Soter Megas (AD 80-100) Æ Tetradrachm
India. Kushan Empire. Vima Takto - Soter Megas (AD 80-100) Æ Tetradrachm
India. Kushan Empire. Vima Takto - Soter Megas (AD 80-100) Æ Tetradrachm
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Megas (AD 80-90) Æ Tetradrachm / King on Horseback
India. Kushan Empire. Vima Takto - Soter Megas (AD 80-100) Æ Drachm
India. Kushan Empire. Vima Kadphises (AD 113-127) Æ Drachm / Siva and Bull
Kushan Kings of India. Huvishka (AD 150-190) Æ24 / King on Elephant / Sun god
Kushan Kings of India. Huvishka (AD 158-195) Æ Unit / King on Elephant
Kushan Kings of India. Vasudeva I (AD 191-232) Æ Tetradrachm / Siva and Bull
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Megas (AD 80-90) Æ Tetradrachm / King on Horseback
Kushan Kings of India. Soter Metas (Vima Takha) Æ Drachm / King on Horseback
Kushan Kings of India. Vasu Deva Æ Unit / Siva and Bull
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