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*Sear 1913* Byzantine Empire. Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118) AV Hyperpyron
*Sear 1944* Byzantine Empire. John II Comnenus (AD 1118-1143) AR Aspron Trachy
*Sear 1954* Byzantine Empire. John II Comnenus (1118-1143) Æ Half Tetarteron
*Sear 1961* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I (AD 1167-1183) Æ Trachy
*Sear 1961* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I (AD 1167-1183) Æ Trachy
*Sear 1961* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I (AD 1167-1183) Æ Trachy
*Sear 1964* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ Trachy
*Sear 1964* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Billon Trachy
*Sear 1964* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Billon Trachy
*Sear 1964* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Billon Trachy
*Sear 1965* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Billon Trachy
*Sear 1966* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Billon Trachy
*Sear 1966* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Billon Trachy
*Sear 1967* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ Tetarteron
*Sear 1975* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1143-1180) Æ Tetarteron / St. George
*Sear 1975* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1143-1180) Æ Tetarteron / St. George
*Sear 1977* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (1143-1180) Æ Half Tetarteron
*Sear 1978* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ Half Tetarteron
*Sear 1978* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ Half Tetarteron
*Sear 1979* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ 1/2 Tetarteron
*Sear 1979* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ 1/2 Tetarteron
*Sear 1979* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1167-1183) Æ 1/2 Tetarteron
*Sear 1980* Byzantine Empire. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1143-1180) Æ Tetarteron / St. George
*Sear 1985* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus I (AD 1183-1185) Æ Trachy
*Sear 1987* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus I Comnenus (AD 1183-1185) Æ Tetarteron
*Sear 2000* Byzantine Empire. Isaac II Angelus, first reign (1185-1195) AV Hyperpyron
*Sear 2003* Byzantine Empire. Isaac II Angelus (AD 1185-1195). Bulgarian Imitation Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2003* Byzantine Empire. Isaac II Angelus (AD 1185-1195) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2003* Byzantine Empire. Isaac II Angelus (AD 1185-1195) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2003* Byzantine Empire. Isaac II Angelus (AD 1185-1195) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2005* Byzantine Empire. Isaac II Angelus (AD 1185-1195) Æ Tetarteron
*Sear 2011* Byzantine Empire. Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus (AD 1195-1203) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2011* Byzantine Empire. Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus (AD 1195-1203) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2011* Byzantine Empire. Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus (AD 1195-1203) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2011* Byzantine Empire. Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus (AD 1195-1203) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2011* Byzantine Empire. Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus (AD 1195-1203) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2011* Byzantine Empire. Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus (1195-1203) Æ Aspron Trachy
*Sear 2022* Byzantine Empire. Latin Rulers of Constantinople Billon Large Module Trachy
*Sear 2034* Latin Rulers of Constantinople (1204-1261) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2035* Byzantine Empire. Latin Rulers of Constantinople Æ Trachy
*Sear 2036* Byzantine Empire. Latin Rulers of Thessalonica Æ Trachy
*Sear 2036* Byzantine Empire. Latin Rulers of Thessalonica Æ Trachy
*Sear 2046* Byzantine Empire. Latin Rulers of Constantinople Æ Trachy
*Sear 2046* Byzantine Empire. Latin Rulers of Constantinople Æ Trachy
*Sear 2098* Empire of Nicaea. John III Ducas-Vatatzes (1222-1254) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2104* Byzantine Empire. Empire of Nicaea. John III Ducas-Vatatzes (AD 1222-1254) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2157* Byzantine Empire. Uncertain Ruler of Nicaea. Type G Æ Tetarteron
*Sear 2184* Byzantine Empire. John Comnenus-Ducas (1237-1242) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2269* Byzantine Empire. Michael VIII Paleologus (AD 1261-1282) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2360* The Restored Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2366* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) Æ Trachy / Angel's Wing
*Sear 2435* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) with Michael IX Æ Assarion
*Sear 2435* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) with Michael IX Æ Assarion
*Sear 2440* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) with Michael IX Æ Assarion
*Sear 2440* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) with Michael IX Æ Assarion
*Sear 2441* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (1282-1328) with Michael IX Æ Tetarteron
*Sear 2458* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) Æ Trachy
*Sear 2458* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) Æ Trachy
*Sear --* Byzantine Empire. Andronicus II Palaeologus (AD 1282-1328) with Michael IX Æ Assarion
*Sear 2515* Byzantine Empire. John V Palaeologus (AD 1379-1391) Æ Follaro
*Sear 2601* Empire of Trebizond. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1238-1263) AR Asper
*Sear 2601* Empire of Trebizond. Manuel I Comnenus (AD 1238-1263) AR Asper
*Sear 2622* Empire of Trebizond. Alexius II (AD 1297-1330) AR Asper
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